Sunday, May 25, 2014

11D Taiwan Trip Day 11 - Taipei

Last rush to Ximending!
Yummy 臭豆腐 discovered!
Helpful and friendly Mike was already waiting for us at the entrance to the Smart hostel building by 4.15pm and helped us with the booking of cab to Taoyuan International airport at NT1,000. There's actually a direct bus within walking distance but we chose not to.
Reached the airport at about 5pm thinking that we can do our tax refund. Apparently, you need combined receipts of NT3,000 in a day to be eligible and if you really spent NT3,000 in a shopping mall, you can usually do your tax refund within the shopping mall itself.
At the airport with our newly bought jackets. 😁
And our 11 day Taipei 之旅 ended with a complete meal at the airport.
Takeaway! 😝
Bye Bye Taiwan. We will be back! 😉

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

11D Taiwan Trip Day 10 - Taipei

Hubby in his new clothes!
The rain didn't stop. Boo. Can't go Yeliu, can't go Taipei 101. But never mind!
Last 1.5 days in Taiwan, can't waste it sleeping in the hostel.
So we got some hot soupy noodles to warm us and prepare for war against the cold rain and wind! ☺️
And shopping continued indoors!
1st stop: 新光三越 near Taipei Main Station
2nd stop: Eslite 成品信义店 at Taipei City Hall Station
We managed to catch a glimpse of Taipei 101 still with low clouds passing by.
The 梅雨 was a blessing in disguise. There's so much to see in their departmental stores and you can see their promotion of arts culture even here. 
Rushed over to Wufenpu once the heavy rainpour became small drizzle.
Not much 收获 though.
Since it was our last night in Taipei, we combed Shilin Night Market once more!
炸小蟹,盐酥鸡, stir fried mutton and 木瓜牛奶。✌️
The wet weather drove some vendors away. Thus my favourite 臭豆腐 was already closed before midnight. 😞
芒果豆花 from the stall behind our hostel as dessert to compensate for the night! And packing began... 💤

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

11D Taiwan Trip Day 7 - Taipei

Due to the late night, we couldn't wake up in time to redeem our free MOS Burger's breakfast. 😞
But nvm. Sweet hubby bought back the all-time favourite 阿宗面线 and a yummy 葱油饼。It definitely compensated for the mos burger loss. 😁
Pulled our lugguage down the street to Smart Hostel and took the 2.38pm train to Ruifang.

Bought the unlimited ride along Pingxi line for only NT52 at Ruifang station.
Took a quick stroll at 瑞芳老街 while waiting for the Pingxi line to Shifen.
天灯 in the making.
Took the 7.42pm train to Songshan and commenced on the Raohe night market tour.
Entrance of the night market.
Too hungry to wait. Attacked the first store in sight. The seasoning is good, but the beef are mostly fats.
Hubby don't eat beef, so he bought the 海苔鸡排. Still the chili flavour taste better.
Drinking a bowl of mutton soup on a cold rainy day can't be better. Best!

11D Taiwan Trip Day 9 - Taipei

Our brunch today. Ratings 3 out of 5 for the 三宝饭。
After some discussion with hubby, we headed to Jiufen straight. We took the train from Taipei Main Station and paid NT49 per pax for an hour ride. Then transfer to bus line 1062 or 788 from the bus stop right infront of 顶好 Welcome to Jiufen. NT15 per pax.  It takes about 10-15 mins only.
Added one more 海角七号酒 to our previous collection. ✌️
One more 吸水杯垫.
And the 川贝枇杷 which you can keep up to two years. These are good for throat and cough.
They also sell my favourite 花生棒冰淇淋. But I didn't eat cause I'm already feeling cold from the rain. But hubby wants to eat the 芋头丸 dessert, and so we did. And the rain simply got heavier and heavier. 
Nevertheless, we made our way to Kee Lung Miao Kou Night Market. We took bus no. 788 from Jiufen to Keelung station. Paid NT30 per pax for a 50mins ride. 
While waiting for the rain to stop, we had our early dinner at Burger King.
Caught the Adidas season sale at the night market. Hubby bought two t-shirt for NT2,380.
Train back to Taipei Main Station. Added two more to my Disney Motor collection too! ✌️
Then we went to Ningxia night market to settle out dinner.
Ah zong at Ximending's nicer.
Shilin's nicer.
Kaohsiung's nicer and is only NT60. To think we paid NT140 for this. No more Ningxia night market for us ever again.

Monday, May 19, 2014

11D Taiwan Trip Day 8 - Taipei

We had a good long rest last night! Woke up late to find that it is a rainy day after three days of sun.
We went Ximending for brunch. Found this stall - 绍子面. The cold 皮蛋豆腐 is very nice! The 豆腐 taste like 豆花 and the sauce and the bonito perfects the dish. 
We had better noodles at 通化夜市.
After brunch, we bought this Taiwan No. 1 passion fruit and aloe green tea. Nice! Full, we are ready for our 新北投,吃喝玩乐站!
Museum's closed.
The Beitou's thermal valley is also closed. Seems like many of the tourist attraction closes on Monday of they have a rest day in Taiwan. Still, we managed to find a place for a private hot spring experience.
Perhaps next time we should try the outdoor one for better photo effects. It is only NT80 for two pax as compared to the NT450 we paid for.
Lovely curry pok hairstyle after hot spring. 😝
Tamsui river right behind the Tamsui MRT station.
Tried the 鸡包饭 which we didn't yesterday. 
炸鲜奶!Taste like the softer version of 白兔糖。
And we continue our eating craze at 士林夜市.
The Taipei 士林臭豆腐 that I have been craving for since day 1 in Taiwan. Though I can't find the same stall anymore, no regrets trying from this stall. With the 泡菜,it's simply bagus! 
Our shopping loots for the day from 淡水老街 and 士林夜市!Cheap and good buys ranging from only NT40 - NT200. 😁😝😘