Tuesday, May 13, 2014

11D Taiwan Trip Day 2 - Shinshe

Happy Vesak Day to all!

We had a heavy breakfast at 美又美早餐店 That is just right beside our 民宿 before setting off to Shinshe Lavendar Cottage - 薰衣草森林. 
The 萝卜糕外脆内软,赞!而抓饼就好像我们 local 的 roti prata,还可以。不过,千万别喝奶茶.
Boarded bus no. 35 from 福星西安街口. This is where we take the bus, opp 永和春秋豆浆. The 豆浆 is not bad.
The journey to Taichung Train Station is 35mins and cost NT25.
We then took bus no. 276 at 12.10pm from 丰原客运 to Zhong Xing Ling. 1hr ride, NT46.
While waiting for the bus, hubby stone....
Finally we reached Zhong Xing Ling.
The rainy weather led us to walk into this Orange Oven Bakery just diagonally opposite the alighting point. High tea time then! See the difference between my  hubby's and my order. Lol.
The taxi ride up to Lavendar Cottage is about 20mins and per way is NT500. Despite the tea time, rain just got heavier. But it didn't spoil our day.
DIY a bookmark each for ourselves!
Note: Admission is NT100 per pax and you can use the NT100 for any purchase within the cottage.
By 4pm, we are on our way back to Zhong Xing Ling to go 纸箱王, Carton King. We managed to catch the 4.30pm bus no. 270 and alighted at 大坑圆环. Face the roundabout and walk in the 11 o'clock direction, Carton King is just 5 minutes walk from the stop. Turn right once you exit from the alley, and you will see the below signboard.
Hooray! Reached! 😝 Hubby bought the admission tickets at NT200 per pax. 
This time you can use NT100 on food and NT100 on retail merchandise. Will suggest you to go for your light snacks at the honey museum first if you do not wish to spend more on dining at the Carton King. We forfeited our NT100 x 2 in the end cos they only serve main course after 6pm and we are saving stomach space for Fenjia Night Market.
Hubby and his Tiger
Me and my Pig!
We went back to the same bus stop where we alight and took the 6.30pm bus no 68 which goes direct to Fengjia Night Market. 1hr trip costing NT20 per pax (Fengjia University Stop). The map also shows the way back to our 民宿 along 西安街.
First eat! 大肠包小肠. It is actually a small sausage within some rice sausage. I was hoping for some pig intestines instead. Lol. Rating 3 out of 5. Something different.
Plum fries. Both thumbs up! 😍
Bangkok serves the best 卤肉饭 still. Ratings 3 out of 5.
Honeydew Milk taste ok. Not too sweet and not too milky.
We also had this 懒人烤虾 which is our last dish for the night and ended our day with a slow stroll back.
But wait! That's not the end of our food feast. Lol. This instant bowl noodle is powerful! You find pieces and pieces of thumb sized meat chunks inside. 
Satisfied. Good night! 😝

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