Wednesday, May 21, 2014

11D Taiwan Trip Day 10 - Taipei

Hubby in his new clothes!
The rain didn't stop. Boo. Can't go Yeliu, can't go Taipei 101. But never mind!
Last 1.5 days in Taiwan, can't waste it sleeping in the hostel.
So we got some hot soupy noodles to warm us and prepare for war against the cold rain and wind! ☺️
And shopping continued indoors!
1st stop: 新光三越 near Taipei Main Station
2nd stop: Eslite 成品信义店 at Taipei City Hall Station
We managed to catch a glimpse of Taipei 101 still with low clouds passing by.
The 梅雨 was a blessing in disguise. There's so much to see in their departmental stores and you can see their promotion of arts culture even here. 
Rushed over to Wufenpu once the heavy rainpour became small drizzle.
Not much 收获 though.
Since it was our last night in Taipei, we combed Shilin Night Market once more!
炸小蟹,盐酥鸡, stir fried mutton and 木瓜牛奶。✌️
The wet weather drove some vendors away. Thus my favourite 臭豆腐 was already closed before midnight. 😞
芒果豆花 from the stall behind our hostel as dessert to compensate for the night! And packing began... 💤

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